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tv   The FOX Report With Shepard Smith  FOX News  March 26, 2013 4:00pm-5:00pm PDT

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doma define marriage as between a man and a woman. today, it was all about california and prop 8. owe pony nentsz of that measure argue it violates the u.s. constitution as the right of all citizens to equal protection under the law. supporters argue that the state's voters have made their wishes known and the federal government should not interfere just as anthony kennedy is a possible swing vote here and he says prop 8 actually evenings a lot of kids. 40,000 children in california according to the -- that live with same sex parents. and they want their parents. to have full recognition and full status. >> he says the voice of those children is important. don't take too much away from that. history tells us that trying to predict the supreme court decisions is an exercise in futility shannon bream covers the supreme court for us. she is live there tonight. shannon, is there anything
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we can take away from what they said today? >> well, shepard, some, not all of the justices, certainly gave us clues as to where they stood on this issue of proposition 8 and whether or not california should only define marriage as between a man and a woman. proponents of that view say that marriage is a bedrock of our society all about protocol creation and raising children. well, justice kagan at one point said what does that mean? that we could stop issuing licenses to couples where both members of the couple are over 55? we don't think they are going to have kids. there was a lot of. [ laughter ] in the courtroom about that she was very serious when she got back to this point asking at one point what damage it would do to opposite sex or heterosexual sex marriages vs. allowing same sex marriages. here is what she said. >> what harm you see happening and when and how and what harm to the institution of marriage or to opposite sex couples, how does this cause and effect work? >> well, justice -- chief
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justice john roberts and number of other justices noted in california same sex couples have very expansive rights. why do they need this word marriage? why is it about the label? here is his comment on that. >> if you tell a child is that somebody has to be their friend. i suppose you can force the child to say this is my friend, but it changes the definition of what it means to be a friend. >> he seemed to be hinting that adding same sex marriage to the equation would be changing the definition of how we understand marriage. also important to note though there are serious procedural issues about the standing of the parties in this case. several justices hinted today that may actually stop them from even getting to the merits of this case, shep. >> shepard: there is a different case before them tomorrow. >> there is. tomorrow it's about federal law. the defense of marriage act. that brings on a whole different set of issues but we imagine it's going to be a lot like it was today. very strong protests and demonstrations for folks on both sides. thousands of people were here this morning. we expect the same spirit. but tomorrow is going to be about a federal law versus
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what they decided today about california's state passed law that was passed by voters. dome marks of course, passed by congress. the folk 's here across the street we expect to see many of them in the courtroom. by the way those infamous lines that started up last thursday night. as soon as able was cleared out of line today they started up again. it's going to be a cold night in d.c. and there are a lot of people camped out on the streets waiting for that line to get in tomorrow, shep. >> shepard: shannon bream beautiful night at the court. thank you. also sitting in court today the two couples had began this legal fight some four years ago. chris perry and sandy stirl have been together for 13 years now. sent two kids to college. have two still in high school. they were among the first to legally marry in california before the state invalidated that marriage. the other couple challenging prop 8 paul katomy and jeff. they say they wanted to get married before starting a family. and if you would like to listen to today's arguments in their entirety, we have posted the entire audio online. it's now on the front page
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at well, we saw a direct challenge today to roe v. wade, the landmark supreme court case that legalized abortion. the governor of north dakota signed a law prohibit abortions if doctors can detect the fetal heart beat that's as many asics weeks in. legalized abortional fetus can survive outside the womb. arkansas has pass the abortion ban linked to fetal heart beats only 12 weeks. legislators in ohio and kansas are considering similar laws. north dakota's is the most restrictive in our nation. the governor there also signed into law two other measures, one that makes his state the first to ban borings based on genetic defects and another that requires doctors who perform abortions to be physicians with hospital privileges. >> all three laws take effect in august but opponents have promised a fierce legal fight. a dramatic and heart breaking turn of events for amanda knox today. the seattle college student
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acquitted of murdering her roommate during what italian prosecutors called a drug fueled sex game. italy's top court today overturned the acquittal and ordered that foxy knoxy face a retrial for the now unsolved crime. you recall amanda knox served four years in italian prison before an appeals court freed her in 2011. she has been living in the seattle area ever since and is now a junior at the university of washington. but prosecutors convinced a court that there was enough today retry amanda knox for the death of meredith kircher. they found her dead in an apartment that she shared with knox. his client is devastated by the turn of events. >> she is shocked. she is very sad. she thought this was the end of a nightmare. and but she is also very strong in the sense that she with s. willing to fight again. she did all of this up to now. we will continue to fight. >> it's important to note that ha manda knox does not have to return to italy for
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the trial. and if the court does find her guilty. extradition is seen as very unlikely. but her ex still lives there and faces returning to prison for decades should he he once again lose in court. dan springer is live in amanda knox hometown of seattle this evening. dan, a reporter asked about the state department involvement in this. >> yeah, right after questions about -- spokesman asked if the state department face double double jeopardy and final would not answer the question directly. i spoke with two attorneys who represented her and her family both are confident the u.s. would not cooperate with italy if she is convicted in what amounts to a third murder trial which we're told will take place july of 2011. never thought italy's highest court would order a retrial prosecutors were
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not allowed to retest the evidence the d.n.a. evidence was thrown out by the appellate court. >> painful to receive the news that the italian supreme court decided to send my case back to revision. for revision when the prosecution's theory of my involvement in meredith's murder has been completely revealed to be unfounded and unfair. all of this means revival of the foxy knoxy story and it comes just a month before she gives her first interview to diane sawyer on the same day her book "waiting to be heard" comes out neglect her $4 million. shep? >> shepard: dan springer live in seattle. thanks. for the first time a woman is is going to be running the u.s. secret service. the president has chosen julian pearson to head up the agency. she a veteran agent and the current chief of staff. the current director recently announced his
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retirement. the move comes after secret service staffers were caught up in prostitution scandal last year in colombia. a teenager accused of shooting a baby in the face while the child's mother pushed the baby in the stroller. now a couple of the accused killer's relatives are also under arrest. an update on what they did. plus, remember the guy in florida who spent months and months quawght in a mansion he didn't known boca raton. well, somebody else just tried the same trick. you will see how it turned out. from the journalists of fox news on this tuesday fox report. [ male announcer ] how do you measure happiness?
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aluminum production in south africa, and the aerospace industry in the u.s.? at t. rowe price, we understand the connections of a complex, global economy. it's just one reason over 75% of our mutual funds beat their 10-year lipper average. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. request a prospectus or summary prospectus with investment information, risks, fees and expenses to read and consider carefully before investing. >> shepard: the mother and aunt of one of the teenagers accused of shooting to death a baby in a stroller now also undz arrest on charges they lied to investigators. cops say they may have the suspected murder weapon. last week the mother of the 13 month old victim claimed one of the teens shot her son in the face during
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attempted robbery. just yesterday the suspects were in court before questions before a judge. one is 17 years old. the other is 156789 cops arrested the relatives of the older suspect last night. officers did not comment on the alleged false statements but investigators did say that after they took the woman into custody, those women led cops to a pond where police say they found a handgun. and the man suspected of gunning down the head of colorado's department of corrections may have been planning to kill again. investigators now say that in his car they found materials to make a bomb, among other evidence. remember police say the gunman walked up to the prison chief's house and shot him dead. when the victim answered the front door. they have also linked a suspect to the killing of a pizza delivery guy in colorado. police enhe gauged in a shootout with the suspect in texas last thursday. he later died of his injuries. now some just released police documents show investigators found those bomb making materials in his cadillac along with handwritten directions, maps, zip ties, duct tape and parts of a domino's pizza delivery uniform.
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good economic news pushing stocks a lot higher today in helping those of us fortunate to have a 401(k). the commerce department reports january home sales were up more than 8%. the fastest since the peek of the housing boom. slipped but not enough to scare investors. same time demands for so-called durable goods jumped to 6% in february. stuff sufficient -- such as cars and refrigerators and the like best in five months. indices all three up. the fox business network's peter barbs -- barnes is with us tonight. why on fire, peter? >> partly because there are not many good options for finding a decent return on your investments these days. money market funds are yielding close to zero. treasury bonds are earning 3% or less. so, more investors are by buying stocks. >> we have different periods of credit
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availability. i mean, there is all kinds of liquidity in the world and the markets right now. look at money marks. look at 40401 ks on the sidelines come in. interest rates have not been this low. therefore, people are going to go out of bonds. go into stocks. buy dividends because they need the return. even mention funds are doing it. >> today the s&p 500 closed to within 2 points of its october 2007 all-time high, shepard. >> shepard: looks terrific. risks in all of, this obviously. >> plenty of risks, europe's financial problems. especial lit banking problems in cyprus could get worse and spread. slower growth in our own economy is a threat. the federal reserve bank of new york said yesterday that the higher payroll and income taxes that kicked in on january 1st combined with the sequester budget cuts that kicked in march 1st could reduce economic growth by nearly 2% this year. shepard? >> shepard: peter barnes in washington for us. thanks. jodi arias now.
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first another squatter has attempted to claim another-million-dollar mansion as his own. this time a historic home in maryland where former president clinton once helped plant trees. 12 bedroom, 17 bathhouse currently up for sale for 6 million bucks. reportedly one of the biggest in the region. cops say the guy slipped, in told the listing agent the place belongs to him as part of some century's old treaty. police arrested him after a few hours. as you recall earlier this year. a man in central florida spent months hold up, actually south florida hold up in a mansion citing an obscure florida law. in the end bank of america managed to evict anymore boca raton. now jody diarias she testified that her boyfriend abused her more and more. now his or her attorneys have called domestic violence expert who could help them make the cause that she killed her ex in self-defense. we will get to that plus a police camera captured the moments when cops tried to save a driver inside a burning pickup.
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>> shepard: several police officers risked their lives to rescue a man trapped in a burning truck. [sirens. [. >> this was euclid, ohio, just outside of cleveland. police hit a light pole and crashed his truck. it burst into flames and also smashed the windows to get the man to safety. one of the guys got the guy's seat belt and they eventually pulled him out of the truck. doctors say he he is okay. the local nbc station in cleveland reports the guy was on drugs when he crashed and faces charges. now jodi arias. she testified that as her relationship with her ex-boyfriend started to fall apart. he pushed her, kicked her, broke her finger. even choked her until she lost consciousness.
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now a domestic violence expert could help explain how that may have driven arias to shoot him dead, if it happened. defense attorneys first call that expert to the stand late yesterday. keep in mind they have not presented much evidence of this reported abuse. but jodi arias maintains that she shot her ex to protect herself. prosecutors accuse the suspect of stabbing him 27 times and soliciting his throat. jodi arias says she can't remember those parts. adam housley is live in our west coast news hub. it seems that the ex's reputation is very much back on trial today. >> absolutely, shepard, this defense witness who just started late yesterday and into today laid out her credentials but also insinuated the issues that are involved with potentially domestic abuse it doesn't have to be physical. she has been talking about at love the mental issues involved. also she is an author domestic violence expert who is known for being expert witness. she has been, again, laying everything out and then also ensign waiting a connection between travis' family and abuse. take a listen. >> i don't think you can
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live in a drug addicted family are people who are violent and not be fearful. you learn to to be fearful. you go into your adult life and where that plays out, it may not play out in your professional life in the same way, in your professional life, you might be okay because you are not challenged emotionally at the same kind of level that you are as in an intimate relationship. >> if you haven't been following this trial closely travis came up through tough times with his family and raised by his grandparents. interesting to note jodi diarias noted she came up through tough circumstances. >> shepard: this is the last witness for the defense. is there a sense for how important she is? >> completely important. after the debacle that was dr. samuels that we talked about here on fox report a number of times. dr. samuels by the end of it had basically admitted to messing up on his report a number of times and misstating some of the testimony. so, most court observers believe this final defense witness is extremely important to help show that
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jodi arias killed as they claim, in self-defense, shepard. >> shepard: adam housley in los angeles. thanks. the supreme court delivering a major ruling on the police use of drug-sniffing dogs it could have a big impact on your right to personal privacy. the latest on the top court's decision coming up. plus, the capital of south korea is just 35-mile drive to the all right with nuclear armed north korea. and today the communist regime warned that it is ready to strike our ally at a moment's notice. that coming up as we approach the bottom of the hour and the top of the news. you've known? we gave people a sticker and had them show us. we learned a lot of us have known someone who's lived well into their 90s. and that's a great thing. but even though we're living longer, one thing that hasn't changed: the official retirement age. ♪ the question is how do you make sure you have the money you need to enjoy all of these years. ♪
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>> shepard: several people are hurt after a man with a knife runs into a target store. that tops our news across america. pennsylvania. police say the suspect ran from a fight down the street and into the pittsburgh store. they say two men followed him in. and witnesses say this guy chased one of his purr sewers out of the bathroom. that's when he grabbed a teenage girl at the checkout line. >> when i got here, it looked like the store was on fire. people was running out from all angles. >> shepard: cops pepper sprayed the suspect and arrested him. the girl in serious condition with back and arm wounds. several other people went to hospitals with minor injuries. >> shepard: d.c., an apparent joy ride in a police cruiser ending quickly with a crash. an officer had left the car running unattended while he investigated a 911 call.
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somebody jumped in the empty vehicle and took off. that driver rode up the sidewalk and into somebody's front yard a block away. then ran. the officer faces discipline for leaving the vehicle. ohio. an unusual take on saving an endangered species as folks hit the streets in gorilla suits for the gorilla run 5 k fundraiser. organizers say proceeds go towards protecting mountain gorillas in africa. california. some 400 grade school students trying to hula hoop their way into the record books. a gym teacher designed the five minute routine aiming for largest hula hoop workout until the guinness folk approve, a kansas school holds the title with 290 students. and that's a fox watch across america. >> shepard: i'm shepard smith. this is the fox report. it's the bottom of the
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hour. time for the top of the news. and the united states' supreme court considering two major changes and two cases on gay marriage. today, as demonstrators marched outside the justices heard arguments on california wants proposition 8. it bans gay marriage in the state. the justices question whether they should actually be deciding the case, which raises the possibility they could dismiss it with no ruling. legal experts say that would likely allow gay marriages to resume in california without affecting the law in other states. tomorrow, the court scheduled to hear arguments on the defense of marriage act as they call it which defines marriage as a union between only one man and one woman. nine states plus d.c. currently allow gay marriage. the latest fox news poll finds 49% of voters support gay marriage, up from 32% a decade ago. a lot of lawmakers have shifted their attitudes as well. evolved in their opinions. james rosen with the top story at the bottom of the hour. live from washington. hey, james. >> shep, we have seen two
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notable instances recently of republicans grappling with this issue. senator rob portman of ohio, coupled his announcement that he now supports same sex marriage with the disclosure that his son, a student at yale university is gay. and senator rand paul of kentucky says that while he believes in the traditional definition of marriage, republicans should as a matter of libertarian principle as he puts it embrace liberty in both the economic and the personal sphere. on the democratic side is there has been a domino effect with hillary clinton and a number of senators including mark bag given of alaska, mark warner of virginia and clair mccaskill embracing the marriage equality. late today another joining that list. a trio of democratic senators all of whom face midterm kay hagan of north carolina, mark pryor of arkansas and mary landrieu have been reticent on the issue all hail from red states. in some cases i think democrats, as well as republicans, find that they
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have issues of faith that may come into clash with this eamericaing movement for marriage equality. but, i think what we need to point out to everybody is that gay rights advocates, myself included, only want to be married civilly. >> also, many members of two core elements of the democratic party's constituency remains skeptical about gay marriage. these include african-americans who tend to be more culturally conservative and devoutly catholic that lateen knows, shep. >> shepard: james rosen in washington. the high court did rule on one issue today. the drug sniffing dogs. cops do need a warrant to have those dogs sniff around the outside of somebody's home. even if they suspect there are drugs inside the place. the decision upholds a 2011 florida supreme court ruling which expresses evidence that frankie the chocolate lab had helped uncover. in a different florida case, the court ruled last month in favor of cops who used a dog to search a man's pickup truck during a routine traffic stop. the united nations is
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scheduled to draft a controversial international treaty this week that would attempt to end unregulated sales of conventional weapons. guns, are a till larr nonnuclear missiles it would infringe on our rights to bear arms. i should say negotiators from about 150 nations are expected to take part in this debate. supporters of the treaty claim arms embargoes against certain rogue nations don't work and that a blanket treaty is necessary to prevent weapons from moving easily across borders. secretary of state john kerry says he cannot promise the u.s. supreme court should the treaty impose new limits on the second amendment. eric shawn at the u.n. tonight. eric, help us understand this controversy. >> yeah, shepard. they are still negotiating the u.n. arms trade treaty in gun advocates are up arms about it they fear it could lead to international gun control and governments regulating the weapons in their countries. for example, they point to one aspect of it that demands that governments list all the weapons in their nations. they fear that this could
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lead to a national gun registry and that it conflicts with our second amendment in the constitution. the national rifle association has been lobbying strongly against this treaty. they say that it violates americans' country rights and they say this treaty should not be approved. shepard? >> shepard: what are we hearing from supporters, eric? >> they say it's desperately needed, especially in areas of international conflict such as somalia and other troubled spots. those areas are just flooded with an untold number of weapons from tanks to handguns and that is one way to stop the killing. they say that concerns over domestic issues here in the u.s. are unfounded and not deal with private gun ownership. and, besides, for to go into effect in our country. it needs to be ratified by the senate by a two thirds majority and that likely won't happen because just this weekend the senate passed an amendment that specifically prohibits this treaty from going into effect in the united states and from the u.s. from signing on to it. it is expected to be voted
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on, shepard, later this week. >> shepard: eric shawn live at the united nations, thanks. north carolina's military is in top combat decision tonight. its rockets ready to strike. that's the word from north carolina's state run news agency. just the latest threat out of that hermit kingdom. of course, analysts say it's extremely unlikely that north carolina would actually try that especially with the united states carrying out joint military drills with south carolina for the next month or so. still, pelc officials say the rhetoric does not help. north korean state run media has also released new pictures of dennis rodman's bff looking at things. inspecting an army unit and instruments the troops apparently made. remember this all comes weeks after north carolina tour up its 1953 cease-fire with south carolina. trend to nuke washington and warned its troops are prepared for all-out war. trace gallagher in our west coast news hub tonight. you know. these threats seem to be coming every day. >> yeah, even the experts who will acknowledge that north korea has lost all
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credibility, shep, because of these empty threats, well now say there seems a little something different about this one because in recent months, north korea has been so provocative. you mentioned the armistice they cancelled with south korea but they have also successfully fired a long range missile in december. and tested a third nuclear weapon just last month. gordon chang who has written books about north korea believes there is some internal turmoil. listen. >> that's the real problem for us. this is not just a single threat where the regime makes it and then goes quiet. what we have now is one problem after another. and that really means something was wrong in the regime and when something is wrong in the regime we are going to see who horrific incident somewhere down the road. he adds while north carolina doesn't have great long range weapons. they have short high alert. >> south korea says right
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now there are no aggressive signs along the border. but any attack on south korea, even a small one, would be considered to be destabilizing that korean peninsula and that would likely lead to a response from both south korea and the united states. now, the level of that response is very unclear. but today both the pentagon and the white house are calling on north korea to back off. here is jay carney. >> as we say consistently the achieve nothing by these threats or provocations which will only further isolate north korea and undermine international efforts to ensure peace and stability in northeast asia. >> north korea is believed to have attacked south korea twice in the past three years. neither of those attacks was preceded by any type of threat. shep? >> trace gallagher reporting from los angeles. the pentagon today denied that the united states military has been training syrian rebels. the military. we reported yesterday that the training had been going on for at least 8 months. but today the pentagon
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spokesman said that's not the case. quote: let me be very clear. the united states military is not conducting training of the syrian opposition. we are working closely with our jordanian partners on training. no element of the united states military is involved in training syrian opposition groups. the white house says the united states continues to provide nonlethal assistance to the opposition. the cia notably declined to comment. meanwhile syrians opposition for the first time took over the country's seat at the arab league summit. happened in qatar where member states agreed they do have the right to provide military support to the rebels. the syrian government blasted the arab league's decision. claiming it is selling out arab identity to israel and the united states. >> a man who has seen his share of bad breaks got a mighty lucky ones when it mattered the most. the story behind this man's power ball ball win up next. smokers who gamble just hit a big lotto in atlantic city.
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he hit all five numbers and the power ball. he says he hasn't decided how to spend the cash but he says he could use a car. asked what kind of car he has now, he says my feet. shep. >> shepard: julie banderas in new york tonight. thanks. detroit could use some lotto money. the largest city in the country operating under state control. it's started starting the hard work of getting its financial house in order. the big three automakers are chipping in. general motors, ford, chrysler have joined other michigan businesses in donating 8 million bucks for new ambulances and police cars. detroit is buried under a mountain of debt, more than $14 billion in long-term liabilities. a budget deficits of more than $320 million. the fire department stretched so thin it's proposed just letting vacant building burns and the city cannot afford to keep all of its streetlights on. mike tobin with the news from detroit tonight. the new emergency manager there already facing a big lack bash, -- backlash. >> he was already on the job. kevinor is his name. greeted by protesters as he
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walked up to city hall. protests because he has almost unrestrained power to slash the city budget. and they protest because the city council and the mayor for whom they voted have been muffled aside. >> so the right to vote -- reconstruction the very right of -- the right to vote, the right to -- a vote to count matters. detroit is the largest of six cities in michigan under emergency management. the mayor of one of those cities says you need an appointed official to come in and make the kind of cuts necessary. they would be political suicide for elected officials. >> shepard: unions obviously big there, mike and they are not happy. >> right. you have to predict that there is going to be major slacious to the payroll and that means jobs are going to be laid off or positions will be laid off. so as me the union representing the municipal employees is the first to prepare a lawsuit. >> this whole thing was a sham for the state to come in and take over the assets of the citizens of detroit. that's what's happening and to break the unions.
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>> the people here in the motor city have been watching the city go down for a long time. they hope this is rock bottom and they can only rebound from him. shep? >> shepard: mike tobin live from detroit. news flash, lots of gamblers like to smoke. atlantic city's rebel resort and casino. announcing some big changes as it restructures under bankruptcy protection. for one, letting folks light up on the gambling floor. rebel opened last spring as ac's only smoke-free casino, turns out there was a reason it was the only one. it also dealt with problems like construction costs overruns and super storm sandy which closed it for nearly a week. flee for three for the space ex program. successfully returned to elliott after a trip to the space station. the company has some competition coming. the privately owned space race. details on that ahead. plus a promising tech entrepreneur just cashed in on a big idea. but he needs to dish class if he wants it to get to
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work. the high school student whose app. sold for 30 million. what is the capital of zimbabwe ? ... the first time you ask with the google voice search. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid recognition. droid powerful. with google now, it automatically knows when you need to leave for the airport, how much traffic there is,
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and can have your boarding pass ready. the droid razr maxx hd by motorola. droid-smart. droid-powerful.
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>> shepard: finally the legos are back from orbit. space x reports dragon capsules successfully detached from the international airport and splashed into the pacific as planned. dragon' is returning experiments. older space station equipment and 13 sets of lego toys that irs crews used to teach kids about science. paying space x to resupply since it retired the shuttle fleet back in 2011. this is the company's third submission so far but space x or another american company developed space ships that can safely fly crews. american astronauts are hitching rides on russian space crafts. phil keating with the news
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from florida. space x has some competition coming? >> indeed. shep. urch disputed leader among the happenedful of american space companies, all aiming to do with the space shuttles once did. now veab's osh bit tall. launchingy a dummy capsule to the nation next month. if successful, real cargo mission also follow. space x has another cargo trip later this year. working in the future to eliminate the whole splash down landing all together and land their dragging capsule jetson style hovering down safely on to the ground. space x hopes to finally launch humans into space by 2015. shep? >> phil, the russians are also set to make some history this week. aren't they? think are. to date no cosmonaut or astronaut made it to the space station same day space craft launched. that is the plan for this
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thursday as two cosmo knots and chris cassidy will launch. instead of taking 34 orbits to get to the space nation two days. russian's space agency will do it in just four orbits, drastically reducing the fuel costs and cramped hours in a capsule similar in size to a smart car when they get there on thursday evening of the population of the space station will double from 3 to 6. shep? >> phil keating in our florida newsroom a wiz kid from england just hit it big and is he not even out of high school. this 17-year-old sold his mobile application to internet giant yahoo for about $30 million. the app. is called sumly it condenses lengthy text into bullet points. he says is he happy about the deal but that he is not looking to go on a spending spree. >> in if there is anything i want to do is keep it safe. the money wasn't the main motivation. the reason why -- because opportunity. if i was to do anything with the money, it would be
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investigating or looking to help other young people. >> is he actually younger than yahoo itself. the company recently changed his policy to prohibit employees from working at home. the kid says he will test out of his classes and work from yahoo's london office. drones in the sky guards with automatic weapons on the ground. that could be the new normal at a national park. next where the plan is reportedly in the making to protect this threatened animal.
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[ male announcer ] a car has a rather small rear-view mirror, so we can occasionally glance back at where we've been. it has an enormous windshield so we can look ahead to where we are going. now is always the time to go forward. and reimagine all the possibilities that lie before us. an ally for real possibilities. aarp. find tools and guidance at >> shepard: drones could soon hit the skies in the parks above india to help with the slaughter of a rare animal. according to the "wall street journal" which our parent company owns. fired shots at forest guards who were protecting one horned rhinos. the guards returned fire say they killed two of the men. authorities say poachers last year killed 22 rhinos for their horns. now state government officials say they plan to
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deploy drones to help monitor the park and further protect that threatened species. investigators say someone stole a breaking bad script from the show's star. sheriff's officials say they have arrested a man suspected of breaking into actor brian cranston's car back in december. while it was parked in new mexico. but the script is still out there somewhere. the hit amc series wrapping up its final season. plays the character walter white. a high school chemistry teach his or her becomes a meth dealer after being diagnosed with term ital cancer. the show is putting together final season. before we go our team's top five things of the day. number five cell phone provider t mobile set to start selling iphone next month. offering plans big discount rivals. number four the s&p 500 closing within a point and a half of its all time high on word that home prices rose in january. the fastest pace in seven years. number three, the italy supreme court ordering arder ta knox. it comes a year after a
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lower court set her free. number two, north dakota's governor says he knows a court battle is is likely after he signed the most restrictive abortion laws in this nation. and number one, the municipal court taking up california's law which banned gay marriage. tomorrow the high court takes up another landmark marriage case. and that's "the fox report's" top five. and on this day in 1941, the italian navy first tried a new weapon to sink a british warship. a manned tornado with a detachable war head. earlier, in world war ii, the japanese had tried using manned suicide torpedoes the one man trip draw backs. they designed what they called a pig. a torpedo that a pilot could steer up to enemy ship, release that war head and turn around and escape before the explosion. it was still pretty dangerous. but proved to be the most successful weapon in the italian navy's arsenal. later in the war.
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the brits and the germans built versions of their own but warriors went bloat waves 72 years ago today. and now you know the news for this tuesday, march the 16th, i should say 26th, 2013. the last fox report for jessica locater. our jessica rose here from a freelance writer in january of 2004 to senior producer of fox report and "studio b." an enormously challenging 12-hour a day job. i trust her completely and will miss her enormously as will our programs and the men and women who bring them to you each day. thankfully jessica is staying in the family. she earned a promotion to executive producer of "fox news sunday." chris wallace will be in steady hands and i will be forever thankful for her attention to detail and insistence that we get it right for you. every night. so for our senior producer an


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